Huxarium Garden Park Höxter

Remtergarten | Archaeological Park | Everyday People

Huxarium Garden Park Höxter

© Stadt Höxter, Dominik Ketz

Excursion destination between the Weser and the Corvey World Heritage Site

The former garden show site stretches from the ramparts along the city wall via the riverside promenade to the Corvey World Heritage Site. Discover ...


  • the beautiful view from the Weserscholle
  • the splendour of flowers in the Remtergarten
  • the sunken city in the archaeological park
  • the everyday people in the city centre
  • the numerous events in the Huxarium Gardenpark

A warm welcome

 in the Huxarium Garden Park


© Stadt Höxter, Dominik Ketz

Everyday people

© Huxarium Gartenpark Höxter gGmbH, C. Warneke

Archaeological Park

© Stadt Höxter, Dominik Ketz