Schloss Hämelschenburg



One of Germany's most important cultural monuments in the Weser Renaissance style

A visit to Hämelschenburg Castle takes you into the world of the Weser Renaissance. With its art collections, gardens, farm buildings, mill, church and castle, it is considered one of the most beautiful Renaissance complexes in Germany.

The moated castle was built in 1588-1613 as part of the manor by Jürgen von Klecke and his wife Anna von Holle. The fully preserved and inhabited Renaissance complex is still owned by the von Klencke family today.

The historic rooms of the castle, which are furnished with valuable furniture, paintings and tiled stoves as well as porcelain, glass and weapons collections, can be visited during a guided tour. Learn more about the exciting 550-year history of a noble Guelph family and the architectural features of the Weser Renaissance.

The café in the visitor center with coffee garden invites guests to linger. Enjoy the special atmosphere of the Renaissance castle over coffee and cake or take an idyllic stroll through the Minnengarten to the soap boiler in the garden house or the historic watermill with painter's studio. On the mill island, you will also find the Rischmade wooden toy workshop and a hydroelectric power plant.

The Charlottensaal of the castle, which is decorated with baroque paintings and furniture, can be hired for civil weddings. The adjacent Renaissance buildings on the estate are available for family and company celebrations of all kinds. The adjacent Langels Trakehner stud farm is known worldwide for its award-winning stallions.

Hämelschenburg is located on the new Loccum-Volkenroda pilgrimage route and on an old route to Santiago de Compostela.

Good to know


The current opening hours can be found on the provider's website.
Dayoff: Monday

Price info

Erwachsene: 10,00 €
Kinder bis 17 Jahre: 5,50 €
Kinder bis 5 Jahre: frei
Studenten, Auszubildende: 7,50 €
Familien (zwei Erwachsene plus Kinder): 28,00 €

Gruppenführungen auf Anfrage.

Kirchenführungen nach Voranmeldung: 3,00 €


  • Bad Weather Offer

  • Suitable for any weather

  • for Groups

Hygiene and infection safety measures

  • Distance control

  • Heed the hygiene instructions

Directions & Parking facilities

Ein großer kostenfreier PKW- und Busparkplatz ist direkt neben dem Schloss vorhanden.

More information


Parkplatz, Schloss und Café sind für Rollstuhlfahrer und gehbehinderte Besucher problemlos zu erreichen. Auch eine Teilnahme an den Führungen durch das Schloss ist möglich - mit Ausnahme des Kellergeschosses.

Die Aufstellung erhebt keinen Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit.
Alle Angaben sind ohne Gewähr.
Änderungen vorbehalten.

Contact person

Rittergut Hämelschenburg
Schlossstraße 1
31860 Emmerthal

Getting there

Rittergut Hämelschenburg
Schlossstraße 1
31860 Emmerthal