Erlesene Natur: Wo der Bock zum Gärtner wird




12.74 km long
round trip
Difficulty: difficult
condition: difficult
Great panorama
Regional hiking trail
  • 04:15 h
  • 413 m
  • 414 m
  • 136 m
  • 302 m
  • 166 m
  • 12.74 km
  • Start: Bleichplatz in Dalhausen
  • Destination: Bleichplatz in Dalhausen
One of the most beautiful hiking trails in the Weserbergland region leads over the heights around Dalhausen.

On around 13 km, the trail goes around the valley basin, across flower-filled mountain meadows, through shady deciduous forests and cool stream valleys. The trail offers wonderful views of Dalhausen and the Bevertal valley time and again. There is also plenty to discover: the colorful butterflies on the goat pastures, the dry stone walls and cairns with the reptiles living there or the leatherback beetles in the beech forest. A highlight of the hike is the Way of the Cross on the Kiepenberg near Jakobsberg. Relax on the landscape loungers, switch off and enjoy our "exquisite nature".

At first glance, the southern and western slopes of the Bevertal near Dalhausen appear barren, dry and sunburnt. But this impression is deceptive  - semi-arid grasslands on shell limestone are among the most species-rich biocoenoses in Central Europe. Characteristic are the numerous orchids, the yellow flowers of the butterfly plants or the blue-violet flowers of the composite plants. The Mediterranean scent that hovers over the meadows comes from the numerous herbs that are also used in the kitchen: These are thyme, wild marjoram or vineyard garlic.  The diverse range of flowers makes the lawns a paradise for butterflies. The blue and purple flowers are particularly popular - and the many butterfly flowers are the preferred food for the caterpillars of the blue butterflies. The calcareous grasslands near Dalhausen are part of the "Exquisite Nature". There are a total of 18 such adventure areas in the Kulturland district of Höxter. They are all components of the "Natura 2000" protected area system and are therefore part of our European natural heritage.


Bleichplatz in Dalhausen
Korbmacher-Museum Dalhausen
© Teutoburger Wald Tourismus / Beverungen / Stadt Beverungen
Korbmacher-Museum Dalhausen
Bleichplatz in Dalhausen

Good to know

Best to visit

Depends on weather


Het is een zeer aantrekkelijke tocht, die over droge, zonovergoten heuvelpaden en ook door schaduwrijke, vochtige loofbossen leidt. Relatief vlakke passages worden afgewisseld met steile stijgingen en dalingen, soms over smalle slangenpaden. Een goede fysieke conditie is vereist! Er zijn verfrissingsstops in het dorp Dalhausen. Op de hoofdweg is er ook de mogelijkheid om het pad in te korten en terug te keren naar het startpunt langs de Bever.

Tour information

  • Labelling

  • Loop Road

  • Mainly Sunny

  • Premium Trail "Wanderbares Deutschland"


Sturdy, moisture-resistant footwear is a must. As there are some quite steep ascents and descents, hiking poles are also highly recommended. Sunscreen and a sun hat should also be in your luggage, as it can get very hot on the slopes in summer.

Directions & Parking facilities

Dalhausen is located on the B 241 halfway between Beverungen and Borgentreich.
Parking is available at the starting point of the tour and at the new cemetery. The tour can also be easily started from the cemetery.

Additional information

The high-altitude hiking trail around Dalhausen is part of the "Exquisite Nature". There are a total of 18 such adventure areas in the Kulturland district of Höxter, all of which are located in and around FFH areas. They are all components of the "Natura 2000" protected area system and are therefore part of our European natural heritage!

Author´s Tip / Recommendation of the author

On your circular walk along the heights around Dalhausen, why not visit the local basket-making museum? In the 19th century, basket making was an important source of income for many inhabitants of the village of Dalhausen. The museum, which is not far from the trail, tells the story of this and the stories surrounding basket making. It is open from April to October. For groups on request also outside this period.

Safety guidelines

The hiking trail crosses several pastures with sheep and goats. The animals must not be fed and dogs must be kept on a lead, especially in these areas.
The trail is physically demanding and not suitable for people with health problems!

Getting there

Erlesene Natur: Wo der Bock zum Gärtner wird
Krähenberg 4
37688 Beverungen - Dalhausen