Ferienwohnung Graßhoff


Holiday apartment
Quiet, bright vacation apartment in Brenkhausen, separate entrance, fully furnished  
Vacation apartment in the center of Brenkhausen, with the Coptic monastery (visit possible) and the airfield on the Räuschenberg with restaurant and various hiking trails. 
Further leisure activities can be found in the town of Höxter, 5 km away. Corvey Monastery, indoor and outdoor swimming pool, leisure lake and the Weser cycle path. 

The bright, fully furnished apartment in a quiet location offers space for 2 - 4 people. In the apartment there is a large eat-in kitchen with fully equipped kitchen (oven, coffee machine, refrigerator, microwave). 
The spacious bathroom is equipped with shower, bathtub, toilet, washbasin and washing machine. In the separate entrance there is a seating area and storage space for bicycles. W-Lan and cable TV are available in the apartment, a parking space for one car is in front of the house.

Good to know


  • for individual guests

Accessibility / Location

  • quiet location

Room/apartment features

  • WiFi

Beds & rooms

  • holiday apartment/s

Directions & Parking facilities

If you are traveling by car, please use your navigation system.

Price info

Per night for occupancy with 1 - 2 persons € 50,00

Price per day: 50,00 € for occupancy with 1 - 2 persons
Price per day: 60,00 € for occupancy with 2 - 4 persons

The price includes bed linen and towels

Getting there

Ferienwohnung Graßhoff
Schulstraße 7
37671 Höxter - Brenkhausen

Contact person

Ms. Monika Graßhoff
Schulstraße 7
37671 Höxter
