Freizeitgelände Ahlemeyer


Camping by the lake.
  • Partially covered seating areas
  • Electricity connection on request
  • Sanitary facilities / washbasins and showers with hot water
  • bathing water quality is regularly checked according to the EU Bathing Water Directive
  • Gastronomy

Good to know


  • for Groups

  • for familys

  • for individual guests

Accessibility / Location

  • quiet location

  • on the hiking path

  • right on the bike path

  • right on the river

  • right on the lake

Directions & Parking facilities

The leisure area is located between Höxter and Godelheim.

Getting there

Freizeitgelände Ahlemeyer GmbH & Co.KG
Godelheimer Straße 57
37671 Höxter

Contact person

Freizeitgelände Ahlemeyer GmbH Co.KG
Karlshaferstraße 10
37671 Höxter
