Haus Schönherr


Holiday apartment
Private guesthouse in a quiet location not far from the center of Höxter
Coffee machine, toaster, kettle, fridge, microwave, crockery and cutlery for self-catering available
We are happy to rent out the rooms as a whole apartment.

Good to know

Accessibility / Location

  • quiet location

  • central location

Beds & rooms

  • Twinbettzimmer


  • no board

Price info

Price per person: from 28.00 in a single room
Price per person: from 25.00 in a double room
Price per person: on request in MBZ
without breakfast

Getting there

Haus Schönherr
Möringstraße 12
37671 Höxter

Contact person

Ms. Gabi und Wolfgang Schönherr
Möringstraße 12
37671 Höxter
