Ferienwohnung Sternenblick


Holiday apartment
Modern furnished apartment with separate entrance

Modern furnished vacation apartment with separate entrance in the village of Brenkhausen, approx. 3 km from Höxter. The large garden with seating can be used for barbecues. We are also happy to provide you with bicycles. There are parking spaces directly in front of the house and a bakery and butcher in the village.

Good to know

Accessibility / Location

  • quiet location

Room/apartment features

  • WiFi

Beds & rooms

  • holiday apartment/s

Directions & Parking facilities

The vacation apartment is located in Höxter-Brenkhausen. By car, it is best to use your navigation device.

Price info

Price per day: from € 69.00
Price per week: from 420,00 €

Getting there

Ferienwohnung Sternenblick
Im Voßfeld 18
37671 Höxter - Brenkhausen
