Gästewohnungen am Räuschenberg


Holiday apartment
Quietly located and modernly furnished guest apartments high above the city
High above the old town of Höxter you will find quietly located and modernly furnished guest apartments for 1-2 persons. Completely newly furnished, separate entrance, spacious living room with integrated kitchenette, bathroom with shower, bedroom with box-spring bed (1.80 x 2m). Parking lot for a fee.

Good to know

Accessibility / Location

  • outskirts of town


  • breakfast bookable

Directions & Parking facilities

The apartment is located in Höxter. By car, it is best to use your navigation device.

Price info

Price per day: from € 68.00

Getting there

Gästewohnungen am Räuschenberg
Grüne Mühle 90
37671 Höxter

Contact person

Asklepios Weserbergland Klinik
Grüne Mühle 90
37671 Höxter
