Künstlerhaus Potthast


Holiday apartment
Cozy and well-equipped vacation apartments on the Stadtwall
Centrally located on the Stadtwall and only a 5-minute walk to the beautiful old town. Very well equipped and cozy atmosphere. Outside, next to the house (driveway), seating for 4 people. Parking around the corner.

Good to know

Accessibility / Location

  • central location

  • urban area

Room/apartment features

  • WiFi

Beds & rooms

  • holiday apartment/s


  • no board

Directions & Parking facilities

The vacation apartment is located in Höxter. By car, it is best to use your navigation device.

Price info

Price per day: from € 60.00
Prices per week: from 365,00 €

Getting there

Künstlerhaus Potthast
Rohrweg 6
37671 Höxter

Contact person
